VHTS 2024 supervision and oversight - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lebak Regency

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VHTS 2024 supervision and oversight

VHTS 2024 supervision and oversight

September 10, 2024 | BPS Activities

On September 10, 2024, the 2024 VHTS supervision and monitoring activities were carried out in Sawarna Village, Bayah District, by the Distribution Team. This activity started at 07.30 to 20.00, with the aim of ensuring the quality of data obtained from the field, through direct supervision of the enumeration process carried out by officers. The focus of this enumeration was on accommodation business actors located in the Sawarna Village tourist area, one of the tourist destinations in Lebak Regency.

Sawarna Village, which is known as a beach tourism destination, has many inns that are the mainstay for tourists. In this supervision activity, each supervisor accompanied the enumerators, each of whom was tasked with recording data on around six respondents. The total number of VHTS samples in Lebak Regency reached 77 samples, with 45 of them in Sawarna Village.

The supervisors and supervisors who attended this activity included Eka Yulyani (Head of BPS Lebak Regency) and Nurul Hayati as supervisors, and Budi Istianti (Head of the Statistics Distribution Team of BPS Lebak Regency), Taryono, Edi Agus, M. Ridwan, and Ato Sunarto as field supervisors. This supervision activity aims to ensure that the enumeration process runs in accordance with the established standard operating procedures (SOP).

From the results of supervision, it was revealed that the enumeration is carried out every month to measure the occupancy rate of rooms in various lodgings. This month, according to respondents, there was a decrease in occupancy due to the lack of visitors, which was influenced by the megathrust issue. However, it is estimated that the number of visitors will increase again during the Eid and New Year holidays.

According to the Head of the Sawarna Village Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), Samsul Hadi, homestay managers in the village have received homestay management training held twice a year by the Banten Provincial and Lebak Regency Tourism Offices. Homestay managers are also members of the Sawarna Village Homestay Association, which aims to standardize service standards for tourists. With good training and coordination between lodging managers, it is hoped that the Sawarna Village community will be more active in supporting tourism development in the area.

Overall, the supervision and monitoring activities of the 2024 VHTS ran smoothly and effectively, with the hope that the implementation of the census in Lebak Regency, especially in Sawarna Village, will continue to run according to SOP and provide a positive contribution to improving the quality of tourism data.
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