October 3, 2024 | Other Activities
On October 3, 2024, the Desa Cantik Team of BPS Lebak
Regency carried out the 2024 Desa Cantik development activity in Lebak Asih
This development was attended by Gugun Gunarto (Head of
General Affairs of BPS Lebak Regency), Yulian Sarwo Edi, Oman Rohmana (Desa
Cantik Development Mentor of BPS Lebak Regency), Heri Susanto, Muhammad Rizal
Sustandijaya, Budi Surya Permana and Dede Setiawan (Member of the Desa Cantik
Team of BPS Lebak Regency).
The Desa Cantik Team of BPS Lebak Regency was received by
the Village Head, Village officials, and the statistics agent of Lebak Asih
The Head of Lebak Asih Village opened the activity and then
delivered a speech that he fully supports the Desa Cantik 2024 activity in
Lebak Asih Village.
Then a speech from Gugun Gunarto (Head of General Affairs of
BPS Lebak Regency), in his speech he expressed his gratitude for the good
welcome and enthusiasm of the Lebak Asih Village statistics agent team in this
Next, remarks from Yulian Sarwo Edi and Oman Rohmana (Desa
Cantik Mentors, BPS, Lebak Regency), also expressed their gratitude to the
statistical agent team and the Head of Lebak Asih Village and said that they
would present 3 coaching materials due to changes in the finalization schedule
for the 2024 Desa Cantik publication, 3 materials including Data Presentation Techniques,
Data Analysis Techniques and GSBPM.
The first material, namely Data Presentation Techniques, was
delivered by Dede Setiawan (Member of the Desa Cantik Team, BPS, Lebak
Regency), in his material he explained the definition of data presentation
techniques, namely referring to how to communicate data so that it is easily
understood by data consumers, then what are the data presentation techniques,
including tables, pivot tables, graphs/diagrams, heatmaps, infographics,
dashboards, word clouds, mind maps.
In this material, only a few data presentation techniques
are practiced, namely tables and diagrams, Dede Setiawan (Member of the Desa
Cantik Team, BPS, Lebak Regency) shows an example of a table containing data on
the population of Lebak Asih Village according to Education in 2023, then
practices making bar and pie charts from the table which is followed by the
Lebak Asih Village statistics agent team, Muhammad Rizal Sustandijaya and Budi
Surya Permana (Members of the Desa Cantik Team, BPS, Lebak Regency) help direct
and teach the practice of making diagrams to the Lebak Asih Village statistics
The second material, namely Data Analysis Techniques, was
delivered by Yulian Sarwo Edi (Desa Cantik Supervisor, BPS, Lebak Regency), in
his material, the definition of data analysis techniques was explained, namely
interpreting data to find patterns, trends, relationships, and other valuable
information, then what are the data analysis techniques, including descriptive
analysis and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis is a research method
that is carried out by collecting, compiling, processing, and analyzing data to
describe existing problems. This analysis aims to describe the data that has
been collected without intending to make conclusions that apply generally.
Inferential analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze sample data and
conclude results for the population. Inferential analysis is also known as
inferential statistics or probability statistics.
Furthermore, the GSBPM material was also presented by Yulian
Sarwo Edi (BPS Lebak Regency Desa Cantik Supervisor), this material was
presented only in outline, namely GSBPM (Generic Statistical Business Process
Model) is a model that defines and describes the business processes needed to
produce official statistics. GSBPM is implemented by the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS) in implementing statistical activities.
GSBPM aims to: Ensure the quality of statistical data,
Document business process governance, Integrate multiple data and metadata
standards in the calculation process.
GSBPM implementation starts from the stages: Defining data
needs, Preparing sample frames, Collecting data, Dissemination, Evaluation.
After the material was presented, the results of the Lebak
Asih Village statistical agent team's filling in were continued by Yulian Sarwo
Edi, Oman Rohamana (Desa Cantik Supervisor, BPS Lebak Regency) and Heri Susanto
(Member of the BPS Lebak Regency Desa Cantik team).
In the middle of the examination, the statistical agent team
asked and discussed the tables that had to be filled in correctly and
appropriately, some of the tables discussed were the population table and the
employment status of the head of the family in Lebak Asih Village.
Then after the discussion of the activities was finished and
the Lebak Asih Village statistical agent team would complete the table that
still needed to be completed for the finalization process at the next meeting.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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