Handover of Lebak Regent and Deputy Regent for the 2025-2030 Period - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lebak Regency

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Handover of Lebak Regent and Deputy Regent for the 2025-2030 Period

Handover of Lebak Regent and Deputy Regent for the 2025-2030 Period

March 3, 2025 | Other Activities

On Monday, March 3, 2025, the Head of the Lebak Regency BPS, Eka Yulyani, S.Si., M.Geog., attended the handover of the Acting (Pj.) Lebak Regent, Gunawan Rusminto, to the Lebak Regent and Deputy Regent for the 2025-2030 period, Moch. Hasbi A. Jayabaya, S.H., and Ir. Amir Hamzah, M.Si.

The event held at the Lebak Regency Pendopo was also attended by the Governor of Banten, Andra Soni, the Chairman of the Lebak Regency DPRD, the leaders of the Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the Lebak Regency Government and their staff, the Commander of the Military District (Dandim) 0603, the Chief of the Lebak Resort Police (Kapolres), and various other groups.

In his speech, the Governor of Banten, Andra Soni, congratulated Moch. Hasbi A. Jayabaya and Amir Hamzah and hoped that they would become capable leaders who could serve the people of Lebak Regency.
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