Working Visit of the Head of BPS Banten Province to BPS Lebak Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lebak Regency

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Working Visit of the Head of BPS Banten Province to BPS Lebak Regency

Working Visit of the Head of BPS Banten Province to BPS Lebak Regency

July 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Head of BPS Banten Province Ir. Faizal Anwar M.T paid a working visit to BPS Lebak Regency.

In a family atmosphere, Ir. Faizal Anwar M.T provided direction, motivation, and encouragement to all BPS Lebak Regency employees so that as ASN they always make an optimal contribution in their respective duties, quickly adapt to changes in the work system and always upgrade competencies.

Ir. Faizal Anwar M.T also opened a one-on-one dialog with all BPS Lebak Regency employees so that each employee could convey feelings, questions, obstacles faced, and expectations of BPS.

The presence of the Head of BPS Banten Province provided a stimulus for all BPS Lebak Regency employees to work even better.
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