Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Penyusunan Daerah Dalam Angka dan Pembinaan Statistik Sektoral 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lebak Regency

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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Penyusunan Daerah Dalam Angka dan Pembinaan Statistik Sektoral 2023

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Penyusunan Daerah Dalam Angka dan Pembinaan Statistik Sektoral 2023

October 30, 2023 | Other Activities

Every year, the Central Statistics Agency prepares District publicationsLebak In Figures is a publication that presents various types of data sourced from BPS and other institutions. This publication contains a general description of the geographical and climatic conditions, government, as well as developments in socio-demographic and economic conditions in the RegencyLebak.

In line with the increasing needs of data consumers, this publication will continue to undergo improvements in both its structure and content. The improvement of this publication cannot be separated from the role of regional government agencies and organizations as secondary data sources. The Central Statistics Agency continues to make efforts to accelerate the release of the Regions in Figures publication, as well as maintaining the quality of the compiled data so that it can be used as material for development planning and evaluation.

In this regard, the Regency BPSLebak will discuss it in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Compilation of Regions in Numbers and Development of Sectoral Statistics which will be held on: Monday, 30 October 2023.

It is hoped that this FGD can produce sectoral data to answer the district's development challengesLebak better. Apart from that, it is hoped that the FGD can improve the quality and improvement of Regional Data in Figures (DDA), considering that DDA is the main reference publication used for planning, evaluation and as a basis for making government policies.

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